IHSS Appeals and Daily Help

(Picture: University of Alaska at Anchorage, Disability Support Services)

Appeal Assistance

1. Training and Orientation for IHSS Appeal Assistance Volunteer Corps. Westside Center for Independent Living Los Angeles, IHSS appeal mechanics and our Volunteer Corps process, quality control, confidentiality, and record keeping. Call Janet (323) 294-4565 weaver1245@aol.com

2. Recorded message about appealing the cuts, in English and Spanish: 1-877-601-4477 receive additional information on what to do.

3. In San Francisco: CRIL (415) 703-0286

Help with Daily Living

1. Tuesday Lunch Group
Every Tuesday, U.C. Berkeley, Bear’s Lair 12-1 pm
can be fed, no money required.
With a day’s notice, Serene Vannoy will do lunch
Monday through Thursday with anyone who needs it.
Disabled Students’ Program office on Upper Sproul.
(510) 643-6473
(510) 642-6376 TTY

2. Ongoing Discussion and Coordination
of Community-Based Help in the East Bay.
Send a blank email to

3. Free Assisted Lunch
“a while back I had checked with St. Vincent de Paul’s on San Pablo Avenue in the East Bay. If people with disabilities go there for their free lunch, they will provide a person to help feed you if that is necessary.”

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