We found so many interesting entertainers on Kay Olson’s blog The Gimp Parade that we couldn’t fit them all into the radio program. Here’s a few more highlights.Â
Sia, an Australian pop singer perhaps best known for her song “Breathe Me” which played during the closing sequence of the Six Feet Under TV series finale, has released a music video which features American Sign Language throughout. Watch it here.
The lead singer of Boys On Wheels is Jesper Odelberg. He is a guy with cerebral palsy, part of a Norwegian comedy show and a pop singer. Â
Boys on Wheels sing parodies of various pop songs– with fervor. We liked, I’m Not Gay, My Balls are Okay, and Girls On Wheels Dragshow. While you’re on wheels, check out Punks on Wheels. (Not for teetotalers.)
Deaf Karaoke Live. This is a performance of the song “Torn” by comedian David Armand of The Hollow Men with singer Natalie Imbrugliaat the 2006 Secret Policemen’s Ball for Amnesty International. Â
Direct link to YouTube video here.