Adrienne Rich Dies at Age 82

Listen 29 min  (This segment begins half way through)

Feminist poet, Adrienne Rich died on March 27, 2012 and we are the worse for it.   Robert McRuer talks about how Rich and other lesbian feminists made strides toward a more free, more accessible world.  Although she did not find a political identity in her disability, Adrienne Rich’s essay  “Compulsory Able-Bodiedness and Queer/Disabled Existence” has influenced a generation of disability scholars.

Rich lived with rheumatoid arthritis. 


Adrienne Rich 2009

Here is a video expression of her poem Diving In the Wreck

Robert McRuer is an English professor at George Washington University, the author of Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability and, his most recent book, an anthology called, Sex and Disability.





Photo courtesy of

Original air date: 4-6-12
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