Critiquing the Non-Profit Model

Listen  (28 min) [Link temporarily unavailable due to KPFA website upgrade April 2015]

Waiting to be called for our appointment at our local disability non-profit, a few thoughts arose about this way of organizing our community.  Strangely, we began to have some criticisms of how the non-profit model works.   

Naomi Ortiz, formerly with the Disability Activist Collective, joins Eddie Ytuarte and Adrienne Lauby for the hearty discussion.

Naomi Ortiz

And we’ll take some of your calls at (510) 848-4425.

More about Naomi Ortiz:

Naomi Ortiz is a writer, artist, singer, and poet from the Southwest.  She is currently working on a book about self-care and activism, as well as focusing her time on disability justice. She is passionate about weaving different issues together to learn from the whole.

Naomi has spent over 15 years working with national and local youth-led efforts, including as the director of a national youth-run disability group. She has many years of experience facilitating presentations and workshops and has worked supporting groups to learn and grow including; organizations working with diverse communities, youth and in adults in prison and youth-run organizations. 

Air date: Nov. 2, 2012
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