Moving Over the Edge: Artists with Disabilities Take the Leap


Artists with disabilities filming a segment for "Into the Echo Chamber," a 1/2 hour video produced by Pamela Walker. The artists are Bruce Curtis, dancing on hill; Dave DeWeerd, videographer; Cheryl Marie Wade, Kathy Martinez, and Jay Yarnall, improv sound.

Artists with disabilities filming a segment for “Into the Echo Chamber,” a 1/2 hour video produced by Pamela Walker. The artists are Bruce Curtis, dancing on hill; Dave DeWeerd, videographer; Cheryl Marie Wade, Kathy Martinez, and Jay Yarnall, improv sound.

Listen 59 minutes

It began in living rooms and grew to the international stage.  The Disability Arts Movement came out of the disability movement of the 70s and 80s with brilliance and fire.

We revisit the origins, remember important performance groups and individuals, and talk about contemporary disability arts. 


Peni Hall

Peni Hall


Pamela Kay Walker’s memoir, Moving Over the Edge, Artists with Disabilities Take the Leap chronicled the disability arts movement and her role as an integral part of the Berkeley wing of that movement.


We discuss the memoir with Hannah Jo Karpilow who was Pamela’s right arm woman in the creation of the book, and Peni Hall, one of the central members of  the Wry Crips Readers Theater group.   Adrienne Lauby and Shelley Berman co-host.

Hannah Jo Karpilow

Hannah Jo Karpilow

Then, we play excerpts of the film, A Culture Undiscovered to listen to the voices of people of color who live with learning disabilities.

We offer copies of Pamela Kay Walker’s book, Moving Over the Edge, Artists with Disabilities Take the Leap, for a new or recurring membership in KPFA at the $50 level.  The film, A Culture Undiscovered, is our gift if you pledge at the $60 level.   All contributors  will receive the ever-popular Push Your Limits Bumper sticker.

Call (510) 848-5732 or toll free at (800) 439-5732 to support Pushing Limits and KPFA community radio.


This entry was posted in Adrienne Lauby, Arts, Caretakers/Attendents, Community, Dance, Film, Music, Poetry & Prose, Shelley Berman, Story Telling - Disability and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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