Blind Woman with One Working Hand Interviews DeafBlind Lawyer (wink)

Listen (29 min)

Attorney Haben Girma works to increase access to technology for people with disabilities.  She helped achieve victory in National Federation of the Blind v. Scribd, one of only two decisions to hold that the ADA applies to virtual businesses.  In 2013, she came to Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) as a Skadden Fellow.  In 2015, she became a DRA staff attorney.

A graduate of Harvard Law School, Haben Girma has given a Ted Talk, (Transcript)

introduced President Obama and Joe Biden at the White House 25th Anniversary celebration of the ADA.,

(video collage with Pres. Obama and Disability Visibility founder, Alice Wong)

…and, talked with Pushing Limits host, Sheela Gunn-Cushman.

Their conversation ranges from the need for accessibility in technology to the best way to flavor drinking water.  Meet Haben Girma.  Read her her ADA story here.

Produced and hosted by Sheela Gunn-Cushman with editing assistance from Adrienne Lauby.

Original air date: Friday, March 18, 2016

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