Tell Congress to Support the ABLE Age Adjustment Act!

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Please contact your congressional representatives and ask them to cosponsor the ABLE Age Adjustment Act (S.651) today!

To find your House of Representatives members go here:


--I am your constituent from [name of city and state].

--I am calling to ask Senator/Representative [NAME] to cosponsor the ABLE Age Adjustment Act (S. 817/ HR 1874).
ABLE accounts are important to people with disabilities because they allow them the opportunity to save more than $2000 in assets -to be spent on disability related expenses - without jeopardizing their much-needed public benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.

--Unfortunately, only people whose disabilities occurred prior to age 26 are currently eligible for ABLE accounts.

--By increasing age of onset from before age 26 to before age 46, this bill will enable at least 6 million more people with disabilities to open an ABLE account and enhance their financial independence and quality of life.

--It will also increase the likelihood that ABLE programs across the country will be sustainable and costs will be kept low.

--I hope we can count on Senator/Representative [NAME] to support the disability community and cosponsor the ABLE Age Adjustment Act!

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