The First Time You Felt Your Disability

Listen (29 min)

dolls with white cane wheelchairWhen was the first time you really felt your disability? Not some doctor telling you about it, not some family member crying about it; not even you, doubting your ability to prevail and grow; but the first time you ran smack into the wall and landed on your bum with the wind knocked out of you?

And when you were able to breathe again… what did you do?FItness- People moving across gym floor, wheelchairs, canes






Hosts Sheela-Gunn-Cushman and Adrienne Lauby open the phones to hear your history.   

Stars Out:  Asa Sullivan and Idriss Stelley

Also, special guests, Nomy Lamm and Lisa Genser, play and discuss their new song, “Stars Out,” in memory of Asa Sullivan and Idriss Stelley.  Both men were killed by police during a mental health crisis. 

Asa Sullivan’s family is raising money for a trial transcript so they can appeal the court’s decision in his wrongful death trial.  You can help them out here.


Sins Invalid free this Sunday and Monday at UC Berkeley

Mourn the Dead and Fight like Hell for the Living
March 8th and 9th, 2015

There will be no charge for these events.

Sun, March 8, 5:30 pm​ Altar construction with community, ​120 Kroeber, UC Berkeley

Mon, March 9, 4:30 pm ​Performance,​ Booth Auditorium, Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley.  Sins Invalid artists confirmed for this performance include: Leroy Moore, Kiyaan Abadani, Patty Berne, Nomy Lamm, Lisa Ganser, Todd Herman, Micah Bazant, Olegario Martinez, and Damon Johnson.

Nomi Lamm from Sins Invalid

Nomi Lamm from Sins Invalid

Sins Invalid is a disability justice based performance project that celebrates artists with disabilities, centralizing artists of color and queer and gender-variant artists as communities who have been historically marginalized. Led by disabled people of color, we develop and present cutting-edge work where paradigms of the “normative body” are challenged, offering instead a vision of beauty and power inclusive of all individuals and communities.  By creating high-quality artistic work by disabled artists of color/disabled queer artists, we alter the cultural context in which individuals with disabilities and disability communities are seen and experienced, nurturing an aesthetic vision which honors all bodies are recognized as sacred and beautiful. *

 “Disability Liberated” is an artistic expression acknowledging police violence against people with disabilities and the disabled people killed by imprisonment or other forms of carceral institutionalization.  Disability Liberated includes an altar to those killed in conjunction with a Sins Invalid performance, centering the stories and voices of people at threat of and surviving violence within the intersections of ableism and the prison industrial complex.

Disability Liberated” was curated for Disability Incarcerated, an event hosted by UC Berkeley’s Carceral Geographies program, bringing together scholars, students, activists, and community members to map the intersections of policing, imprisonment, and the disabled body.  This event seeks to step into the conspicuous void within critiques of the “prison industrial complex” – namely the absence of discussion of disability oppression, despite the disproportionate representation of people with disabilities within prisons and gated institutions.


original air date:  3-6-15
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