Monthly Archives: February 2018

Different Geography; Different Disability Experiences

Friday, Feb. 16, 2:30 pm PST Food, politics and slang.  In the U.SA it seems like these things very greatly between regions. Could the way people perceive those with disabilities also very greatly between areas? Join us as we explore … Continue reading

Posted in Accessibilty, Community, Jacob Lesner-Buxton, Research, resources, Sheela Gunn Cushman, Story Telling - Disability | Tagged , , | | Comments Off on Different Geography; Different Disability Experiences

s.e. smith on Disability

Friday, February 2, 2:30 pm PST on KPFA radio Writer, agitator, and commentator s.e. smith* joins us for the half hour.   Based in Northern California, s.e. smith has a journalistic focus on social issues, particularly gender, prison reform, disability rights, … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, analysis & commentary, Eddie Ytuarte | Tagged | | Comments Off on s.e. smith on Disability