An informative program about the distinct disabilities of autism and cognitive disorders with two disability advocates.
Austin Tam will discuss his observations and insights about cognitive disorders and disability in the Asian/Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community. Tam attended the California Renters Power Assembly and helped organize the “Making the Invisible Visible” Disability Summit in Alameda last year.
Mark Romoser was diagnosed with autism at the age of 4, by the renowned Dr. Leo Kanner. After attending eight different schools and two colleges, he graduated cum laude from Yale in 1985. Mark has worked with top researchers in the autism field, including Dr. Fred Volkmar at Yale. More recently, Mark has been employed at the Silicon Valley Center for Independent Living, in San Jose, California, as a community advocate. Mark has presented on his personal experience with autism for over twenty-five years and is a member of the Pushing Limits Collective.
Eddie Ytuarte produced and hosts this program.