#Close The Camps – Protest Coverage

Listen, 29 min.

What do you get when you put a group of people with disabilities, people who are fat, LGBTQIA+, elders and many other sorts on one street corner?

No, not a bad joke!

You get…a PROTEST to #CloseTheCamps because #NoBodyIsDisposable.

Photo by Leslie Mah

Hear highlights from speeches, interviews and other live recordings from this powerful show of solidarity at the August 28 ICE protest.  The protest was designed to bring together fat & disability communities as a united front.  It was part of the Month of Momentum:  30 Days of Action to Close the Camps (ICE SF)

Photo By Regan Barshear

More information about the protest

Check out the photos gathered so far.   Add yours to the collection.

Hundreds of people supported through an online campaign.  Check the #NoBodyIsDisposable hashtag on social media for hundreds of photos.

Read and share scholar activist Caleb Luna’s remarks from the action.

There was a companion action on the same day organized by Fat Rose folks in Indiana! They had 100 folks come out! Check out the photos.

Here’s the short list of actions people can take from home.

One group to connect with locally is the Coalition to Close the Concentration Camps Bay Area, whose campaign is targeting the tech companies who support ICE.

The organizers encourage you to stay in touch with Fat Rose, Disability Justice Culture Club, Hand in Hand and Senior and Disability Action.

Organizational Sponsors:

Access-Centered Movement (accesscenteredmovement.com)
AXIS Dance Company
Big Moves Bay Area (bigmoves.org)
Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) (crilhayward.org)
Disability Justice Culture Club
Disability Visibility Project (disabilityvisibilityproject.com)
Diversability Inc. (mydiversability.com)
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) (dredf.org)
Fat Lib Ink (fatlibink.com)
Fat Rose (fatrose.org)
FAT!SO? (fatso.com)
FLARE (The Fat Legal Advocacy, Research, and Education Project)
Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network (domesticemployers.org)
Health Justice Commons (healthjusticecommons.org)
The Icarus Project (theicarusproject.net)
Idriss Stelley Foundation (ISF) (bit.ly/IdrissStelley)
Justice 4 Kayla Moore (justiceforkaylamoore.wordpress.com)
Krip Hop Nation (kriphopnation.com)
Making Waves fat swim (makingwavesswim.com)
National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (naafa.org)
NOLOSE (nolose.org)
PleasureNess Literary Academy/Reclaiming Ugly (pleasurenesslitacademy.com)
POOR Magazine/PrensaPobre (poormagazine.org)
Pushing Limits Radio (KPFA) (pushinglimitsradio.org)
Reclamation Press (reclapress.com)
Senior and Disability Action (sdaction.org)
Sins Invalid (sinsinvalid.org)
Urban Jazz Dance Company (realurbanjazzdance.com)
Women’s March Disability Caucus


  Town Hall On Long Term Care

  Expanding Long Term Services and Supports for All

Thursday, September 19
9:45 am – 12 noon
Korat Auditorium
Downtown Library
100 Larkin St, San Francisco

Join us for a town hall about the solving the State’s need for affordable long-term supports and services so that we may all live and age with dignity.   Get your free ticket here.

By 2030 9 million Californians will be over the age of 65. That’s 3 million more than there are today! This unprecedented growth in the senior population is driving a skyrocketing demand for long term services and supports (LTSS), yet we see increasing evidence that paying for these services is bankrupting middle class seniors and their families throughout the state.

The event will include a panel discussion with state legislators, Senator Scott Wiener, Assembly member David Chiu and Assembly member Phil Ting on the challenges that seniors and people with disabilities face when seeking affordable long term care and the caregivers who provide these essential services.

Food, childcare, Spanish interpretation and other accommodations will be provided. Be sure to fill out the RSVP.

This event is hosted by the San Francisco Care Council, including UDW/AFSCME Local 3930, SEIU Local 2015, Caring Across Generations, the California Domestic Workers Coalition, SF Family Caregiver Alliance, Senior and Disability Action, California Foundation for Independent Living Centers, and Hand in Hand: Domestic Employers Network.

Agenda de Cuidado: Apoyo a Largo Plazo En Expansión Para Todos

Únase a nosotros para un ayuntamiento sobre la solución de la necesidad del estado CA de servicios y apoyos asequibles a largo plazo (LTSS) para que todos podamos vivir y envejecer con dignidad.

En 2030, 9 millón Californianos serán mayores de 65 años. Eso es 3 millón más de lo que hay hoy. Este crecimiento sin precedentes en la población de adultos mayores está impulsando una demanda vertiginosa de servicios y apoyos a largo plazo (LTSS). Sin embargo, vemos más y más evidencia de que pagar por estos servicios está llevando a la bancarrota a las personas mayores y a sus familias de clase media en todo el estado.

Únase a nosotros para una discusión con legisladores del estado de CA sobre los desafíos que enfrentan las personas mayores y las personas con discapacidades que buscan cuidado a largo plazo asequible y los asistentes personales que brindan estos servicios esenciales.

Se proporcionará comida, cuidado de niños, interpretación en español y otros alojamientos. Asegúrese de completar el forma para RSVP.

Este evento es organizado por el Consejo de Cuidado de San Francisco, que incluye UDW / AFSCME Local 3930, SEIU Local 2015, Cuidado a Través de Generaciones, la Coalición de Trabajadoras del Hogar, Alianza de Cuidadores Familiares de SF, Acción de Mayor Edad & Discapacidad, La Fundación para Centros de Vivir Independiente de California, y Mano a Mano: El Red de Empleadores Domésticos.

Original air date: 9-16-19

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