Michael Rembis on Disability History

March 27, 2020, 2:30-3 pm, KPFA
As you shelter-in-place, take a break from strengthening your support network to spend 30 minutes contemplating the lives of the courageously ordinary amazing people with disabilities who came before us.

Lessons from past disability community movements help us move more steadily through the days ahead.  You can count on it. In this program, we focus on the Mad Movement, and early U.S. pioneers with emotional and mental disabilities who fought for liberation and rights for their people.

We’re joined by Michael Rembis, co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Disability History and Director of the Center for Disability Studies at the University at Buffalo (SUNY).

Mr. Rembis has worked with Kim Nielsen, a pioneer in contemporary disability history, and Catherine Kudlick of the Paul Longmore Center at S.F. State University.  His studies include the histories of institutionalization, mad people, and eugenics.  He is currently working on a book entitled, A Secret Worth Knowing: Living Mad Lives in the Shadow of the Asylum.

With a commentary by Mary Ann Tidwell Broussard.  And, your host, Eddie Ytuarte.

Technical assistance by Sheela Gunn-Cushman and Mike Kohn.

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