Race and Disability

LISTEN 29 min
Free phones

Photo from: socialist-party.org.uk

Photo from: socialist-party.org.uk

Race & Disability.  Two powerful words.  Two reasons for discrimination and prejudice.  Two labels for mass movements that have empowered many to work for change.

We broach the topic of how movements for racial equality and disability rights overlap and inform each other.  We discuss the link between racism and ableism and how they differ in their form of oppression. 

We broach; we introduce; we begin. . .


Mia Mingus and Lateef McLeod

Mia Mingus and Lateef McLeod in the KPFA studio.

Two Disability Justice advocates, Lateff Mcleod and Mia Mingus, are here for conversation.

Jacob Lesnor-Buxton also joins us with a commentary.





Lateef McLeod is a black writer who lives with cerebral palsy. His book, A Declaration of A Body of Love was published in 2010. He works with the performance group Sins Invalid and blogs at United Cerebral Palsy of the Golden Gate, the Huffington Post and other outlets.  He speaks using a communication board.

Mia Mingus is a queer, physically disabled woman of color, korean transracial and transnational adoptee writer. She was a member of the Disability Activist Collective who were among the first to develop the concept of Disability Justice. Currently she works with work with the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collaborative She blogs at Leaving Evidence.

Mia Mingus and Lateef McLeod in KPFA's on-air studio after the recording.

Mia Mingus and Lateef McLeod in KPFA’s on-air studio after the recording.

Hosted by Adrienne Lauby.  Produced by Jacob Lesner-Buxton and Adrienne Lauby with  assistance from Shelley Berman and Terry Butler.

 Original air date: 3-15-13
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