Category Archives: Disability Justice

Mental Disability Surveillance

Listen (29 min) Friday, February 17, 2:30 pm PST This week, a national CDC study found that nearly 3 in 5 (57%) of teen girls felt persistently sad or hopeless in 2021 — double that of boys.  This is a … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, analysis & commentary, Disability Justice, Technology | Tagged , , , , | | Comments Off on Mental Disability Surveillance

Reproductive Rights & Disability, Part 2

Pushing Limits – November 18, 2022, PST 2:30 pm  at KPFA Emily DiMatteo Are there things about the connection between reproductive rights and the disability community that the reproductive rights movement has not yet latched on to? We interview Emily … Continue reading

Posted in Disability Justice, Eddie Ytuarte | Tagged , , , , , , | | Comments Off on Reproductive Rights & Disability, Part 2

Reproductive Justice and Disability

Listen,  Friday, September 9, 2:30 pm PDT, KPFA, 94.1 fm in Northern California Patty Berne The clamor about the Supreme Court’s decision to revoke Roe v. Wade and allow the states to make their own rules about a woman’s reproductive … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Community, Disability Justice, Jacob Lesner-Buxton, Mark Romoser, Politics, Sheela Gunn Cushman | Tagged , , , , , , , | | Comments Off on Reproductive Justice and Disability

Taking a Stand: Helga Spizman & Anita Cameron

Friday, September 22, 2-3 pm PST, KPFA radio Police march down the boulevard chanting “Whose Street? Our Street,” and Oklahoma City police gun down Magdiel Sanchez, a developmentally disabled deaf man, despite neighbors who yell, “He can’t hear you.”   All … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Arts, Community, Deaf, Developmental Disability, Disability Justice, Josh Elwood, Mark Romoser, Mental Disability, Police Violence, Politics, Protest, Race, Sheela Gunn Cushman, Shelley Berman, Story Telling - Disability | Tagged , , , , , , , , | | Comments Off on Taking a Stand: Helga Spizman & Anita Cameron

Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Listen (29 min) Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (she/they) is a queer disabled non-binary femme writer and cultural worker of Burger/ Tamil Sri Lankan and Irish/ Roma ascent is the guest. Her work has been widely published, most recently in The Deaf … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Disability Justice, Eddie Ytuarte, Poetry & Prose, Race, Sexuality, Story Telling - Disability | Tagged , , , , , | | Comments Off on Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Cripping Capitalism – Cheryl Green

Listen (29 min) (For a transcript of the first 15 minutes of this interview, click here) Capitalism is about money.  Capitalism is about the 80% of disabled people who don’t have full time employment.  Capitalism is also about how we … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Community, Disability Justice, Eddie Ytuarte, Head Injuries, Politics | Tagged , , , , | | Comments Off on Cripping Capitalism – Cheryl Green

Eli Clare – Grappling with Cure

Listen (58 min) White, disabled, and genderqueer, Eli Clare’s new book, Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure, questions the typical hostility of the disability movement toward the mythology of The Cure. He explores his rage at the many ways the ‘search … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Bullying, Community, Disability Justice, History, Josh Elwood, Poetry & Prose, Sheela Gunn Cushman, Shelley Berman | Comments Off on Eli Clare – Grappling with Cure

Movement for Black Lives, Platform and Critique

Listen (29 min) Guest: Vilissa Thompson of Ramp Your Voice The Movement For Black Lives posted their incredible Vision 4 Black Lives Platform in late July.  As one could expect, it is most thorough in issues related to police violence … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Disability Justice, Mark Romoser, Race, Shelley Berman | Tagged , , , , , , | | Comments Off on Movement for Black Lives, Platform and Critique

#DisabilityTooWhite – Call In

Listen (29 min) Vilissa Thompson of Ramp Your Voice joins us to talk about the twitter storm she raised with her hashtag #DisabilityTooWhite.  Many people of color with disabilities tweeted about the barriers they find in the movement.  White people … Continue reading

Posted in Accessibilty, Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Call In Program, Community, Disability Justice, Eddie Ytuarte, Race | Tagged , , | | Comments Off on #DisabilityTooWhite – Call In

Black Kripple Delivers Poems and Lyrics

Listen 59 min We’re high on poetry this week… stories of disabled people told to the beat of the heart. And, we’re focusing on black and brown people with disabilities because we’re hosting Leroy F. Moore Jr., and his new … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Community, Disability Justice, History, Music, Poetry & Prose, Race, Story Telling - Disability | Tagged , , , , , | | Comments Off on Black Kripple Delivers Poems and Lyrics