Tag Archives: Liyana

Honoring International Disabled Women Musicians

Listen 29 min In honor of the 2014 celebration of International Women’s Day we play incredible music produced by disabled musicians around the world. Donna Williams is autistic and darn proud of it.  Artistic ability exudes from her pores.   … Continue reading

Posted in Deaf, Music, Shelley Berman | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | | Comments Off on Honoring International Disabled Women Musicians

“Music By Prudence” & Moments in Disability History

Listen: May 4, 2-3 pm PST KPFA And the Oscar for Best Documentary Short goes to…..  “Music by Prudence!”    We begin this program with the story of an incredible singer from a school for disabled people in Zimbabwe and … Continue reading

Posted in Activism, Adrienne Lauby, Americans with Disabilities Act, Deaf, Film, Leah Gardner, Music, Politics, Protest, Story Telling - Disability | Tagged , , , | | Comments Off on “Music By Prudence” & Moments in Disability History