Friday, Feb. 16, 2:30 pm PST
Food, politics and slang. In the U.SA it seems like these things very greatly between regions. Could the way people perceive those with disabilities also very greatly between areas?
Join us as we explore some of the variations in attitudes that people with disabilities face throughout the USA
Helping us explore this topic will be Karin Willison. Ms. Willison is the creator of Free Wheelin Travel, a blog about travel and disability. On her blog she shares her experiences with access in many U.S. cities and states including Boston, NYC and Indiana.
Dr. Michelle Hernandez also joins us. Dr. Hernandez is a Clinical Psychologist and will be share the attitudinal differences in she notices in traveling the continental U.S. and Hawaii as a Latina with a disability.
So come along as we explore the disability experience outside the Golden Gate!
Produced and Hosted by Jacob Lesnor-Buxton and Sheela Gunn-Cushman.