When Your Life-Saving Drug Comes from Big Pharma

Listen (58 min)

Corporate pharmaceuticals are ethically challenged in multiple ways.  But, many people with disabilities owe their lives to the drugs provided by Big Pharma.  

We illustrate some of the problems of prescription drugs with excerpts from the film, “Selling Sickness,” directed by Pat Scott.

Caroline Narby

Caroline Narby

Then, disability advocates, Caroline Harby and s.e. smith help us pull apart the tangled threads of our community’s relationship with corporate medicine.

We offer copies of the film, “Selling Sickness,” and Pamela Kay Walker’s memoir of the Berkeley disability arts scene of the 1980s: “Moving Over the Edge, Artists with Disabilities Take the Leap,” for a new or recurring membership in KPFA.   All contributors  will receive the ever-popular Push Your Limits Bumper sticker.

Call (510) 848-5732 or toll free at (800) 439-5732.

s.e. smith

s.e. smith

s.e. smith lives with mental illness and autism is a writer, agitator, and commentator based in Northern California, with a journalistic focus on social issues, particularly gender, prison reform, disability rights, environmental justice, queerness, class, and the intersections thereof, with a special interest in rural subjects. word cloudInternational publication credits include work for the Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian, and AlterNet, among many other news outlets and magazines.  Assisted by cats Loki and Leila, smith lives in Fort Bragg, California.

Caroline Narby has been diagnosed with asperger syndrome and blogs for the on-line magazine Bitch.   She is particularly interested in the intersection between autism, gender and sexuality.

Produced and hosted by Adrienne Lauby.  Sound editing by Sheela Gunn-Cushman with production assistance by Jacob Lesnor-Buxton.

Original air date: May 2, 2013



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